Sunday, April 19, 2020

Table of Content

Please go to new content page here.
The only reason for the division of this essay into four parts
is that it becomes unwieldy to edit otherwise.
Part A: O soul o mio
Part B: The eightfold way?
Part C: What, no instant karma?
Part D: A 'holistic' in the head
Part E: Trivial pursuit?
Ghost slips Ryle's grasp was originally posted Friday, August 4, 2017.
¶ For computer documents, ordered footnotes are unnecessary. Each footnote designation uses an arbitrary alphanumeric code, which links to the note. If the link fails, try pasting it in the browser bar or checking the blog's list of footnote posts that should be in the sidebar.
¶ I have been updating this article regularly since it was first posted in August 2017 and the original is barely recognizable in the current version. I intend to carry out one more substantial edit in which I do what I can to smooth out the accumulated lumpiness. Minor revisions are still possible.
¶ Revision dates are listed at the bottom of this page.
¶ I have been adding footnotes at will (thus the unconventional footnote system), but I shall keep a special site for relevant matter and remarks that I don't peg to particular parts of the essay via footnotes. You may view that planned site as a rambling appendix. I hope to be able to use those posts in a new essay, though I have not yet decided on a theme. So please check my site θ for entries in the Ryle Appendix
¶ A very useful supplement to this critique is the essay 'Conversation with Gilbert Ryle'
in Modern British Philosophy by Bryan Magee.[zw7]
¶ A very useful survey of the mind/body problem in general is the anthology Immortality edited by Paul Edwards (be forewarned of Edwards's strong atheist bias) [ds45].
¶ Consider archiving these pages via The Wayback Machine,

Article updated 07/03/2017; 07/14/2017; 02/07/2018; 02/08/2018; 02/11/2018; 02/16/2018; 02/19/18; 02/20/18; 03/02/18; 03/16/18; 03/17/18; 03/21/18; 03/31/18; 04/03/2018; 04/04/2018; 07/07/2018; 07/12/2018; 07/16/2018; 07/17/2018; 07/19/2018; 07/21/18; 07/31/2018; 08/08/18; 08/10/18; 08/12/18; 08/13/18; 08/15/18; 08/24/18; 09/25/18; 10/12/18; 10/31/18; 11/12/18; 11/12/18; 02/23/19; 02/28/19; 03/20/19; 04/14/19; 03/13/20; 03/17/20; 03/26/20; 03/28/20; 03/28/20; 03/29/20; 04/9/20; 04/10/20; 04/12/20; 04/16/20; 04/17/20; 04/19/20; 04/22/20; 04/24/20; 05/11/20; 05/30/20; 06/08/20; 07/16/20; 07/20/20; 07/21/20.

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Footnote dgh.754

FN dgh.754. Science and Human Behavior by B.F. Skinner (Macmillan 1953).